Separating Configuration Files

As your configuration increases in size it’s some times helpful to separate it into multiple files. The dcos-perf-test-driver implements this behaviour using the import: array:

  - metrics.yml
  - parameters.yml

The location of every file is relative to the configuration file they are in.

This instructs dcos-perf-test-driver to load the given files and merge all their sections together. Note that array statements and dictionary statements behave differntly when merged.

Merging arrays

Array statements are concatenated. This means that the following two files:

# First
  - class: observer.FooObserver
# Second
  - class: observer.BarObserver

Will result in the following configuration:

  - class: observer.FooObserver
  - class: observer.BarObserver

Merging dictionaries

Dictionary statements are merged, meaning that same keys are replaced with the values coming from the configuration file that comes last. This means that the following two files:

# First
  foo: first
  bar: another
# Second
  foo: second
  baz: other

Will result in the following configuration:

  foo: second
  bar: another
  baz: other