
The DC/OS Scale Test Driver is accepting one or more configuration files as it’s only positional argument. The Configuration files describe which classes to activate and how to run the tests.

In addition, some parameters or metadata can be added as optional arguments via the –define and –meta flags.

usage: dcos-perf-test-driver [-h] [-r RESULTS] [-v] [-D DEFS] [-M META]
                             [config [config ...]]

The DC/OS Performance Tests Driver.

positional arguments:
  config                The configuration script to use.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RESULTS, --results RESULTS
                        The directory where to collect the results into
                        (default "results")
  -v, --verbose         Show verbose messages for every operation
  -D DEFS, --define DEFS
                        Define one or more macro values for the tests.
  -M META, --meta META  Define one or more metadata value.


dcos-perf-test-driver [ --define name1=value1 | -D name2=value2 ] -D ...

The --define or -D argument is defining the value of one or more :ref:


dcos-perf-test-driver [ --meta name1=value1 | -M name2=value2 ] -D ...

The --meta or -D argument is values for one or more metadata. Such metadata will be part of the final results and can also be defined through the config.meta configuration section.

Command-line metadata definition have higher priority than metadata defined in the configuration file.


dcos-perf-test-driver [ --results path/to/results | -r path/to/results ]

The --results or -r argument specifies the location of the results folder to use. If missing the ./results folder will be used.


dcos-perf-test-driver [ --verbose | -v ]

The --verbose or -v argument enables full reporting on the actions being performed by the driver. In addition, this flag will expand all exceptions to the full stack trace instead of only their title.