
This cookbook contains a variety of copy-paste-able snippets to help you quickly compose your configuration file.

Compose it picking:

  1. General Section Recipes
  2. Channel Recipes
  3. Observer Recipes
  4. Tracker Recipes
  5. Policy Recipes
  6. Tasks Recipes

General Section Recipes

How to populate your config: section.

General Boilerplate

# General test configuration
  title: "My Test Title"
  repeat: 3

  # Test parameters
    - name: parameter1
      desc: "Description of the parameter"
      units: units

  # Test metrics
    - name: metric1
      desc: "Description of the metric"
      units: units
      summarize: [mean_err]

  # [Optional] Test indicators
    - name: mean_metric1
      class: indicator.NormalizedMeanMetricIndicator
      metric: metric1.mean_err
      normalizeto: "parameter1"

Parameter Boilerplate

    # ...

    # Test parameter
    - name: parameter1
      desc: "Description of the parameter"
      units: units

Metric Boilerplate

    # ...

    # Test metric
    - name: metric1
      desc: "Description of the metric"
      units: units
      summarize: [mean_err]

Summarizer Boilerplate

Extended format of config.metrics with the frequently used mean_err summarizer and a custom summarizer name.

    - name: metric
    # ...

      # Complete syntax of a metric summarizer
        - class: "@mean_err"
          name: "Mean"
          outliers: yes

Indicator Boilerplate

  # ...

  # Test indicator
  - name: mean_metric1
    class: indicator.NormalizedMeanMetricIndicator
    metric: metric1.mean_err
    normalizeto: "parameter1"

Required command-line definition

The following snippet will require the user to define the specified definition from the command-line:

  # ...

    - name: secret
      desc: The secret password to use
      required: yes

Channel Recipes

When a policy changes a parameter a channel takes an action to apply the new value on the application being observed.

The recipes here refer to when a parameter changes…

(Re)start an external app with a new command-line

This snippet will call out to the given application when a parameter changes. If the application is still running when a parameter update arrives, the previous instance of the application will be killed:

  # ...

  - class: channel.CmdlineChannel
    restart: no
    shell: no

    # The command-line to execute
    cmdline: "path/to/app --args {{parameter_1}}"

    # [Optional] The standard input to send to the application
    stdin: |
      some arbitrary payload with {{macros}}
      in it's body.

    # [Optional] Environment variables to define
      variable: value
      other: "value with {{macros}}"

Deploy an app on marathon

Deploy a marathon app every time a parameter changes:

  - class: channel.MarathonUpdateChannel
    # The base url to marathon
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

    # Our one deployment
      - type: app
        spec: |
            "id": "deployment",
            "instances": "{{parameter1}}"

Deploy multiple apps on marathon

Deploy a variety of apps every time a parameter changes:

  - class: channel.MarathonUpdateChannel
    # The base url to marathon
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

    # Our multiple deployments
      - type: app
        spec: |
            "id": "deployment1",
            "instances": "{{parameter1}}"

      - type: app
        spec: |
            "id": "deployment2",
            "instances": "{{parameter1}}"

      - type: app
        spec: |
            "id": "deployment3",
            "instances": "{{parameter1}}"

Deploy a group of apps on marathon

Deploy a group of apps every time a parameter changes:

  - class: channel.MarathonUpdateChannel
    # The base url to marathon
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

    # Our one deployment
      - type: group
        spec: |
            "id": "/apps",
            "apps": [
                "id": "/apps/app1",
                "instances": "{{parameter1}}"
                "id": "/apps/app2",
                "instances": "{{parameter1}}"

Update an app on marathon

Update an existing application on marathon:

- class: channel.MarathonUpdateChannel
  url: "{{marathon_url}}"
    - action: patch_app

      # Update up to 10 instances
      limit: 10

      # Update only apps matching the regex
      filter: "^/groups/variable_"

      # Update the given properties
          PARAMETER_VALUE: "{{parameter1}}"

Perform an HTTP request

Perform an arbitrary HTTP request every time a parameter changes:

  - class: channel.HTTPChannel

    # The URL to send the requests at

    # The body of the HTTP request
    body: |
        "cmd": "sleep 1200",
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 64,
        "disk": 0,
        "instances": {{instances}},
        "id": "/scale-instances/{{uuid()}}",
        "backoffFactor": 1.0,
        "backoffSeconds": 0

    # [Optional] The HTTP Verb to use (Defaults to 'GET')
    verb: POST

    # [Optional] The HTTP headers to send
      Accept: text/plain

Perform multiple HTTP requests

You can also repeat the HTTP requests using the repeat statement:

TODO: Implement this

Observer Recipes

TODO: Implement this

Tracker Recipes

TODO: Implement this

Policy Recipes

TODO: Implement this

Tasks Recipes

TODO: Implement this

Advanced Recipes

This section contains various copy-paste-friendly YAML recipes for addressing frequently-encountered problems.

Launching an app, not part of the test

Some times you might want to launch an application that is going to run for the duration of the test but it’s not active part of the test.

To launch such applications you can use a CmdlineChannel with the following configuration:

  - class: channel.CmdlineChannel

    # Start this app at launch time and keep it alive
    atstart: yes
    relaunch: yes

    # The command-line to launch.
    cmdline: "path/to/app --args "


It’s important not to include any {{macro}} in the channel. Doing so will link the channel to a parameter and make it part of the test.

Including reference data in your plots

If you are running the tests as part of a CI you migth be interested into comparing the results to a reference run. To do so, use the reference parameter in the PlotReporter.

The url should point to a URL where a raw dump (generated by a RawReporter) is available. This raw dump will be used as a reference:

  - class: reporter.PlotReporter

    # Use the given reference

The reference can be computed for 1D and 2D plots. For example:

../_images/plot-metric.png ../_images/plot-metric-mean_err.png