Configuration ExampleΒΆ

The following configuration example accompanies the Example test case in the documentation. Refer to it for mroe details.

# Global test configuration

  # Repeat this test 5 times
  repeat: 5

  # The title of the scale test
  title: "Scale Tests"

  # Define the parameters this policy will be updating
    - name: deploymentRate
      units: depl/s
      desc: The number of deployments per second

  # Define the metrics we are measuring
    - name: responseTime
      units: sec
      desc: The time for an HTTP request to complete
      summarize: [mean_err]

  # Introduce some indicators that will be used to extract
  # the outcome of the test as a single scalar value

    # Calculate `meanResponseTime` by calculating the normalizing average
    # of all the `responseTime` mean values, normalized against the current
    # deploymentRate
    - name: meanResponseTime
      class: indicator.NormalizedMeanMetricIndicator
      metric: responseTime.mean_err
      normalizeto: deploymentRate

# Macro Values

  # Define `marathon_url` that is required by other fragments

# Test Metadata

  # All these values will be included in the test results but
  # do not participate in the actual test
  test: 1-app-n-instances
  env: local
  config: simulator

# Test policy configuration

  # We are using a multi-step policy due to it's configuration
  # flexibility, even though our tests have only one step.
  - class: policy.MultiStepPolicy

      # Explore deploymentRate from 100 to 1000 with interval 50
      - name: Stress-Testing Marathon
          - parameter: deploymentRate
            min: 100
            max : 1000
            step: 50

        # Advance when the deployment is successful
          advance: MarathonDeploymentSuccessEvent:notrace

        # Advance only when we have received <deploymentRate> events
          events: "deploymentRate"

# Channel configuration

  # Perform an HTTP request for every `deploymentRate` parameter change
  - class: channel.HTTPChannel
    url: {{marathon_url}}/v2/apps
    verb: POST
    repeat: "{{deploymentRate}}"
    body: |
        "id": "/scale-instances/{{uuid()}}",
        "cmd": "sleep 1200",
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 64,
        "disk": 0,
        "instances": 0,
        "backoffFactor": 1.0,
        "backoffSeconds": 0

# Observer configuration

  # We are measuring the HTTP response time of the /v2/groups endpoint
  - class: observer.HTTPTimingObserver
    url: {{marathon_url}}/v2/groups
    interval: 1

  # We also need to listen for marathon deployment success events in order
  # to advance to the next test values, so we also need a marathon poller
  - class: observer.MarathonPollerObserver
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

# Tracker configuration

  # Track the `responseTime`, by extracting the `responseTime` from the
  # HTTP measurement result event
  - class: tracker.EventAttributeTracker
    event: HTTPTimingResultEvent
      - metric: responseTime
        attrib: responseTime

# Result reporters

  # Dump raw time series results to results/dump.json
  - class: reporter.RawReporter
    filename: results/dump.json

  # Dump summarized CSV values to results/results.csv
  - class: reporter.CSVReporter
    filename: results/results.csv

  # Create plots as images to results/plot-*.png
  - class: reporter.PlotReporter
    prefix: results/plot-

# One-time tasks

  # Right after ever test run we should remove all the instances
  - class: tasks.marathon.RemoveGroup
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"
    group: /scale-instances
    at: intertest

  # Also remove the tests if they were abruptly terminated
  - class: tasks.marathon.RemoveGroup
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"
    group: /scale-instances
    at: teardown