Global Configuration Statements

The global configuration statements provide the information required by the test harness to drive the tests. This configuration is shared between every component in the harness and contain the following types of information:

  • Harness Configuration : That define how many times to repeat the tests, how long to wait before a test is considered stale etc.
  • Parameters, Metrics & Indicators : What kind of input parameters the tests will operate upon, and what kind of metrics and indicators will be extracted from the test.
  • Metadata : What kind of arbitrary metadata should be collected along with the results in order to identify this run.
  • Macros : The values of various macros further used in the configuration.


  runs: 1
  title: "Test title"
  staleTimeout: 1200

The general test configuration section contains global information for every other test section.


  runs: 5

Defines how many time to repeat the entire test suite in order to increase the quality of the statistics collected. The default value is 1.


  title: "Some Title"

Defines the title of the test. This is mainly used by the reporting services.


  staleTimeout: 1200

Defines how long to wait (in seconds) for a policy to change state, before considering it “Stale”.

The stale timeout is used as the last resort in order to continue running other test cases when one test case fails.


    - name: parameterName
      desc: A short description of the metric
      units: sec
      uuid: 1234567890

Defines the free variables of the test. Each parameter is effectively an axis for the test.

It’s important to define all the parameters that are going to take part in the test since some components are pre-conditioning their structures based on this configuration.

The name and the summarize properties are the only ones required. The desc, units and uuid are only used by the reporters.

If you are using the PostgREST reporter, the uuid should be a valid GUID for the parameter being tracked.


    - name: parameterName
      desc: A short description of the metric
      summarize: [min, max]
      title: Legend Title
      units: sec
      uuid: 1234567890

Defines the measured values that should come as a result of the test.

Like with the parameters, it’s important to define all the metrics that take part in the test since some components are pre-conditioning their structures based on this configuration.

The name and the summarize properties are the only ones required. The desc, title, uuid and units are only used by the reporters.

If you are using the PostgREST reporter, the uuid should be a valid GUID for the metric being tracked.

The summarize array defines one or more summarizer classes to use for calculating a single scalar value from the values of the timeseries. Note that there are two ways to define summarizers:

  • The compact format accepts no configuration parameters, assumes that the name of the summariser (visible in the reports) is it’s type and the functionality will be imported from the BuiltInSummarizer.

        - name: parameterName
          summarize: [min, max]
  • The extended format accepts full configuration parameters and you can even specify your own summarizers. You can still use the @name class name if you want to refer to a built-in summarizer.

        - name: parameterName
            - class: summarizers.MyCustomSummarizer.summarisationFunction
              name: "Name in plots"


    - name: meanDeploymentTime
      class: indicator.NormalizedMeanMetricIndicator
      metric: deploymentTime.mean
      parameter: instances

Defines one or more Indicators that are going indicate the result of the test as a single scalar value. Usually an indicator normalizes some of the metrics to the axis values and calculates a single number that represents the outcome of the test.

For instance, the example above normalizes the mean value of all sampled deploymentTime values of each run, to the value of the instances parameter. Effectively calculating the mean deployment time per instance indicator.


    - name: secret
      desc: The secret password to use
      default: 1234
      required: yes

Describes the definitions to require from the user to specify before the tests can be started. This section is only used to provide high-level input-validation.

For instance, invoking the tool without providing the secret definition, will yield the following error:

ERROR 2017-07-04 15:18:00 Main: Missing required definition `secret` (The secret password to use)

The values of such definitions are provided via the –define command-line argument.


    test: first-name

General purpose metadata that will accompany the test results.

It is also possible to provide metadata via the command-line using the –meta argument.


  parameter1: value
  parameter2: another_value

The define section assigns values to various macro definitions that can be used later in the configuration file. Refer to Macros for more details.

The values of such definitions can be overriden through the –define command-line argument.