
The tasks classes contain micro-actions that are executed at some phase of the test and do not participate in the final result.

These tasks are executed on a specified trigger, through the at: configuration parameter. For example:


  - at: setup
    class: ...

Known Triggers

The following table summarises the task triggers available in the driver.

Task Name Source Description
setup Session Called when the sytem is ready and right before the first policy is started. Use this trigger to initialize your app state.
pretest Session Called before every run is started. Use this trigger to wipe the state before the tests are started.
posttest Session Called right after every run. Use this trigger to clean-up your system between the runs.
teardown Session Called when the system has finished all tests and is about to start reporting. Use this trigger to clean-up your system.
intertest Policy Called inbetween the tests, when a parameter changes. This implementation depends on the policy you are using. Usually you should use this trigger to bring your system into a known state right before every value is applied.


class performance.driver.classes.tasks.auth.AuthEE(config, eventbus)[source]

Authenticate against an Enterprise-Edition cluster

  - class: tasks.auth.AuthEE
    at: ...

    # The username to authenticate against
    user: bootstrapuser

    # The password to use
    password: deleteme

    # [Optional] The base cluster URL
    # Instead of specifying this configuration parameter you can specify
    # the `cluster_url` definition (not recommended)
    cluster_url: "https://cluster.dcos.io"

This task authenticates against the enterprise cluster and obtains an authentication token.

This task sets the dcos_auth_token definition and makes it available for other components to use.


class performance.driver.classes.tasks.auth.AuthOpen(config, eventbus)[source]

Authenticate against an Open-Source Edition cluster

  - class: tasks.auth.AuthOpen
    at: ...

    # The user token to (re-)use
    token: bootstrapuser

    # [Optional] The base cluster URL
    # Instead of specifying this configuration parameter you can specify
    # the `cluster_url` definition (not recommended)
    cluster_url: "https://cluster.dcos.io"

This task authenticates against the enterprise cluster and obtains an authentication token.

This task sets the dcos_auth_token definition and makes it available for other components to use.


class performance.driver.classes.tasks.http.Request(config, eventbus)[source]

Perform an arbitrary HTTP request as a single-shot task

  - class: tasks.http.Request
    at: ...

    # The URL to send the requests at

    # [Optional] The body of the HTTP request
    body: |
        "cmd": "sleep 1200",
        "cpus": 0.1,
        "mem": 64,
        "disk": 0,
        "instances": {{instances}},
        "id": "/scale-instances/{{uuid()}}",
        "backoffFactor": 1.0,
        "backoffSeconds": 0

    # [Optional] The HTTP Verb to use (Defaults to 'GET')
    verb: POST

    # [Optional] How many times to repeat the same HTTP request
    # Note that in this case you can use the {{_i}} macro
    repeat: 10

    # [Optional] The HTTP headers to send
      Accept: text/plain


This channel will automatically inject an Authorization header if a dcos_auth_token definition exists, so you don’t have to specify it through the headers configuration.

Note that a dcos_auth_token can be dynamically injected via an authentication task.


class performance.driver.classes.tasks.marathon.RemoveAllApps(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove matching apps from marathon

  - class: tasks.marathon.RemoveAllApps
    at: ...

    # The base url to marathon
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

    # [Optional] Additional headers to include to the marathon request
      x-Originating-From: Python

This task is enumerating all apps in the root group and delets each one of them.


This task will block the execution of other tasks until all deployments are completed. This is intentional in order allow other tasks to be executed in series.


class performance.driver.classes.tasks.marathon.RemoveMatchingApps(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Removes matching apps from marathon

  - class: tasks.marathon.RemoveMatchingApps
    at: ...

    # The base url to marathon
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

    # The string portion in the app name to match
    match: "test-01-"

    # [Optional] Additional headers to include to the marathon request
      x-Originating-From: Python

This task is enumerating all apps in the root group, checking wich ones contain the string contained in the match parameter and removes them.


This task will block the execution of other tasks until all deployments are completed. This is intentional in order allow other tasks to be executed in series.


class performance.driver.classes.tasks.marathon.RemoveGroup(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Removes a specific group from marathon

  - class: tasks.marathon.RemoveGroup
    at: ...

    # The base url to marathon
    url: "{{marathon_url}}"

    # The group to remove
    group: "tests/01"

    # [Optional] Additional headers to include to the marathon request
      x-Originating-From: Python

This task removes the given group from marathon.


This task will block the execution of other tasks until all deployments are completed. This is intentional in order allow other tasks to be executed in series.