Source code for performance.driver.core.eventbus

import logging
import time

from threading import Thread, Lock
from queue import Queue

from .events import Event, TickEvent, isEventMatching
from .reflection import publishesHint

[docs]class ExitEvent(Event): """ A local event that instructs the main event loop to exit """
class EventBusSubscriber: """ The base class that every event bus subscriber should implement """ def __init__(self, eventbus): self.eventbus = eventbus class EventBus: """ The event bus handles delivery of in-system messages """ def __init__(self, clockFrequency=30, threadCount=8): self.logger = logging.getLogger('EventBus') self.subscribers = [] self.queue = Queue() self.threadCount = threadCount self.threads = [] self.activeBlockedSyncs = [] self.activeBlockedSyncLock = Lock() = False self.clockThread = None self.clockTicks = 0 if clockFrequency == 0: self.clockInterval = 0 else: self.clockInterval = float(1) / clockFrequency self.lastTickMs = 0 def subscribe(self, callback, order=5, events=None, args=[], kwargs={}): """ Subscribe a callback to the bus """ self.subscribers.append((order, callback, events, args, kwargs)) self.subscribers = sorted(self.subscribers, key=lambda x: x[0]) def unsubscribe(self, callback): """ Remove a callback from the bus """ for subscriber in self.subscribers: if subscriber[1] == callback: self.subscribers.remove(subscriber) def publish(self, event: Event): """ Publish an event to all subscribers """ if not type(event) is TickEvent: self.logger.debug('Publishing \'{}\''.format(str(event))) self.queue.put(event) def start(self): """ Start the event bus thread loop """ self.logger.debug('Starting event bus') # Start thread pool self.logger.debug( 'Starting thread pool of {} threads'.format(self.threadCount)) for i in range(0, self.threadCount): t = Thread(target=self._loopthread, name='eventbus-{}'.format(i + 1)) t.start() self.threads.append(t) # Start clock thread = True self.lastTickMs = time.time() if self.clockInterval: self.clockThread = Thread(target=self._clockthread, name="eventbus-clock") self.clockThread.start() def stop(self): """ Gracefully stop the event bus thread loop """ self.logger.debug('Stopping event bus') self.logger.debug('Cancelling next tick event') = False if self.clockThread: self.clockThread.join() self.logger.debug('Waiting for queue to drain') self.queue.join() self.logger.debug('Posting the ExitEvent') for i in range(0, self.threadCount): self.queue.put(ExitEvent()) self.logger.debug('Waiting for thread pool to exit') for thread in self.threads: thread.join() self.threads = [] def flush(self): """ Wait until the queue is drained """ if not self.queue.empty(): self.queue.join() @publishesHint(TickEvent) def _clockthread(self): """ Helper thread that dispatches a clock tick every second """ while # Calculate actual time drift & publish event ts = time.time() self.clockTicks += 1 self.publish(TickEvent(self.clockTicks, ts - self.lastTickMs)) self.lastTickMs = ts # Sleep interval time time.sleep(self.clockInterval) def _loopthread(self): """ Main event bus thread that dispatches all events from a single thread """ self.logger.debug('Event bus thread started') while True: event = self.queue.get() if type(event) is ExitEvent: self.queue.task_done() break for order, sub, events, args, kwargs in self.subscribers: try: start_ts = time.time() if events is None or any( map(lambda cls: isEventMatching(event, cls), events)): sub(event, *args, **kwargs) delta = time.time() - start_ts if delta > 0.1: self.logger.warning('Slow consumer ({:.2f}s) {} for event {}'. format(delta, sub, type(event).__name__)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( 'Exception while dispatching event {}'.format(event.event)) self.logger.exception(e) # Mark task as done self.queue.task_done() self.logger.debug('Event bus thread exited')