Source code for

import re
import json
import random
import time

from import ParameterUpdateEvent, TeardownEvent, Event
from performance.driver.core.classes import Channel
from performance.driver.core.template import TemplateString, TemplateDict
from performance.driver.core.reflection import subscribesToHint, publishesHint
from performance.driver.core.utils import parseTimeExpr

from threading import Thread
from .utils.bulk import Request, BulkRequestManager

# NOTE: We are not using the deployment ID as the means of tracking the
#       deployment since it's not possible to relate earlier events without
#       a deployment ID (such as `MarathonDeploymentRequestedEvent`)

[docs]class MarathonDeploymentRequestedEvent(Event): def __init__(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instance = instance
[docs]class MarathonDeploymentStartedEvent(Event): def __init__(self, instance, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instance = instance
[docs]class MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent(Event): def __init__(self, instance, status_code, respose, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.instance = instance self.respose = respose self.status_code = status_code
[docs]class MarathonDeployChannel(Channel): """ The *Marathon Deploy Channel* is performing one or more deployment on marathon based on the given rules. :: channels: - class: channel.MarathonDeployChannel # The base url to marathon url: "{{marathon_url}}" # [Optional] Retry deployments with default configuration retry: yes # [Optional] Retry with detailed configuration retry: # [Optional] How many times to re-try tries: 10 # [Optional] How long to wait between retries interval: 1s # One or more deployments to perform deploy: # The type of the deployment - type: app # The app/pod/group spec of the deployment spec: | { "id": "deployment" } # [Optional] Repeat this deployment for the given number of times repeat: 10 repeat: "{{instances}}" repeat: "{{eval(instances * 3)}}" # [Optional] How many deployments to perform in parallel # When a deployment is completed, another one will be scheduled # a soon as possible, but at most `parallel` deployment requests # will be active. This is mutually exclusive to `burst`. parallel: 1 # [Optional] [OR] How many deployments to do in a single burst # When all the deployments in the burst are completed, a new burst # will be posted. This is mutually exclusive to `parallel. burst: 100 # [Optional] Throttle the rate of deployments at a given RPS rate: 100 # [Optional] Stall the deployment for the given time before placing # the first HTTP request delay: 10s """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Subscribe to the teardown event """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Abort active requests at tear-down self.activeManagers = [] self.eventbus.subscribe(self.handleTeardownEvent, events=(TeardownEvent,)) def handleTeardownEvent(self, event): """ Abort all active managers at tear-down """ for mgr in self.activeManagers: mgr.abort() self.activeManagers = [] def getHeaders(self): """ Compile and return headers """ # Add auth headers if we have an dcos_auth_token defined headers = self.getConfig('headers', {}) dcos_auth_token = self.getDefinition('dcos_auth_token', None) if not dcos_auth_token is None: headers = {'Authorization': 'token={}'.format(dcos_auth_token)} return headers @publishesHint(MarathonDeploymentStartedEvent, MarathonDeploymentRequestedEvent, MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent) def handleDeployment(self, deployment, parameters, url, traceids): """ Handle deployment """ # Compose url based on type deploymentType = deployment.get('type', 'app') if deploymentType == 'app': url += '/v2/apps' elif deploymentType == 'pod': url += '/v2/pods' elif deploymentType == 'group': url += '/v2/groups' else: self.logger.error('Unknown deployment type {}'.format(deploymentType)) return # Get retry configuration retry_tries = 10 retry_interval = 1 retry = self.getConfig('retry', True) if type(retry) is dict: retry_tries = retry.get('tries', 10) retry_interval = parseTimeExpr(retry.get('interval', '1')) retry = True # Evaluate parameters evalDict = dict(self.getDefinitions()) evalDict.update(parameters) evalDeployment = TemplateDict(deployment).apply(evalDict) repeat = int(evalDeployment.get('repeat', 1)) burst = evalDeployment.get('burst', '') parallel = evalDeployment.get('parallel', '') rate = evalDeployment.get('rate', '') delay = evalDeployment.get('delay', '') # Create template with the body bodyTpl = TemplateString(deployment['spec']) # Prepare the callback functions for the manager def cbRequest(request): """ Dispatch a request event """ inst_id = request.kwargs['json']['id'] # Assign the request-event trace ID on the request, so we can use # it on the success and error callbacks event = MarathonDeploymentRequestedEvent(inst_id, traceid=traceids) request.traceids = event.traceids'Deploying {} "{}"'.format(deploymentType, inst_id)) self.eventbus.publish(event) def cbSuccess(request): """ Dispatch a deployment success event """ inst_id = request.kwargs['json']['id'] self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentStartedEvent( inst_id, traceid=request.traceids, ts=request.future.resultTime)) def cbError(request, exception): """ Dispatch a deployment error event """ inst_id = request.kwargs['json']['id'] if exception: self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent( inst_id, -1, str(exception), traceid=request.traceids, ts=request.future.resultTime)) else: response = request.future.result() self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent( inst_id, response.status_code, response.text, traceid=request.traceids, ts=request.future.resultTime)) # Start a bulk request manager manager = BulkRequestManager( rate=rate, burst=burst, parallel=parallel, retry=retry_tries if retry else None, retryInterval=retry_interval if retry else None, requestFn=cbRequest, successFn=cbSuccess, errorFn=cbError ) # Prepare the request queue requests = [] for i in range(0, repeat): # Render the body evalDict['_i'] = i body = json.loads(bodyTpl.apply(evalDict)) # Start deployment if not 'id' in body: self.logger.error( 'Deployment body is expected to have an "id" field') break # Place the arguments to the queue manager.enqueue(Request( url, verb='post', json=body, headers=self.getHeaders(), verify=False )) # Delay the designated time, if specified if delay: delay = parseTimeExpr(delay)'Waiting {} sec before placing the first request'.format( delay)) time.sleep(delay) # Keep track of the manager, so it can be aborted at teardown self.activeManagers.append(manager) # Start the deployments and wait for completion try: future = manager.execute().result() except InterruptedError: pass # Pop manager from the active managers try: i = self.activeManagers.index(manager) del self.activeManagers[i] except ValueError: pass def handleParameterUpdate(self, event): """ Handle a property update """ config = self.getRenderedConfig() definitions = self.getDefinitions() url = config['url'] # Handle the deployments actions = self.getConfig('deploy', []) # Handle every deployment asynchronously for action in actions: Thread( target=self.handleDeployment, daemon=True, args=(action, event.parameters, url, event.traceids)).start()
[docs]class MarathonUpdateChannel(Channel): """ The *Marathon Update Channel* is performing arbitrary updates to existing apps, groups or pods in marathon, based on the given rules. :: channels: - class: channel.MarathonUpdateChannel # The base url to marathon url: "{{marathon_url}}" # One or more updates to perform update: # `patch_app` action is updating all or some applications # and modifies the given properties - action: patch_app # The properties to patch patch: instances: 3 # [Optional] Update only application names that match the regex. # If missing, all applications are selected. filter: "^/groups/variable_" # [Optional] Update at most the given number of apps. # If missing, all applications are updated. limit: 10 # [Optional] Shuffle apps before picking them (default: yes) shuffle: no # [Optional] Additional headers to include to the marathon request headers: x-Originating-From: Python When a parameter is changed, the channel will kill the process and re-launch it with the new command-line. """ def getHeaders(self): """ Compile and return headers """ # Add auth headers if we have an dcos_auth_token defined headers = self.getConfig('headers', {}) dcos_auth_token = self.getDefinition('dcos_auth_token', None) if not dcos_auth_token is None: headers = {'Authorization': 'token={}'.format(dcos_auth_token)} return headers @publishesHint(MarathonDeploymentRequestedEvent, MarathonDeploymentStartedEvent, MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent) def handleUpdate_PatchApp(self, action, parameters, traceids): """ Handle a `patch_app` action """ config = self.getRenderedConfig() definitions = self.getDefinitions() url = config['url'] # Template the action action_params = {} action_params.update(definitions) action_params.update(parameters) action_tpl = TemplateDict(action) # Select the apps to update apps = [] self.logger.debug('Querying for existing marathon apps') try: # Query all items response = requests.get( '{}/v2/apps'.format(url), verify=False, headers=self.getHeaders()) if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300: self.logger.error('Unable to query marathon apps (HTTP response {})'. format(response.status_code)) return # Get app list apps = response.json()['apps'] # Render action action = action_tpl.apply(action_params) # Filter by name if 'filter' in action: apps = list( filter(lambda x: re.match(action['filter'], x['id']), apps)) # Shuffle if action.get('shuffle', True): random.shuffle(apps) # Limit the max number of apps if 'limit' in action: apps = apps[0:int(action['limit'])] except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: self.logger.error('Unable to query marathon apps ({})'.format(e)) # Apply the updates'Updating {} applications'.format(len(apps))) for app in apps: try: # Apply patch action = action_tpl.apply(action_params) patch = action.get('patch', {}) # If patch is string, parse it as JSON if type(patch) is str: try: patch = json.loads(patch) except json.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.error('Unable to parse the `patch` property') return self.logger.debug('Patching {} with {}'.format(app['id'], patch)) app.update(patch) # remove fetch, because they are deprecated and producing errors in marathon 1.4 and older if 'fetch' in app: del app['fetch'] # Delete version if persent if 'version' in app: del app['version'] # Notify deployment self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentRequestedEvent(app['id'], traceid=traceids)) # Update the specified application self.logger.debug('Executing update with body {}'.format(app)) try: response = requests.put( '{}/v2/apps{}'.format(url, app['id']), json=app, verify=False, headers=self.getHeaders()) if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code >= 300: self.logger.debug( "Server responded with: {}".format(response.text)) self.logger.error( 'Unable to update app {} (HTTP response {}: {})'.format( app.get('id', '<unknown>'), response.status_code, response.text)) self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent( app['id'], response.status_code, response.text, traceid=traceids)) else: self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentStartedEvent(app['id'], traceid=traceids)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error( 'Unable to update app {} ({})'.format(app['id'], e)) self.eventbus.publish( MarathonDeploymentRequestFailedEvent( app['id'], -1, str(e), traceid=traceids)) continue self.logger.debug('App updated successfully') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: self.logger.error('Unable to update app {} ({})'.format(app['id'], e)) def handleParameterUpdate(self, event): """ Handle a property update """ # Handle the update actions actions = self.getConfig('update', []) # Handle every action asynchronously for action in actions: action_type = action['action'] # Handle `patch_app` action if action_type == 'patch_app': Thread( target=self.handleUpdate_PatchApp, daemon=True, args=(action, event.parameters, event.traceids)).start() # Unknown action else: raise ValueError('Unknown update action "{}"'.format(action_type))