Source code for

import requests
import time

from import Event, TickEvent, ParameterUpdateEvent, TeardownEvent
from performance.driver.core.template import TemplateString, TemplateDict
from performance.driver.core.classes import Channel
from performance.driver.core.reflection import subscribesToHint, publishesHint
from threading import Thread, Lock

# Events

[docs]class HTTPRequestStartEvent(Event): """ Published before every HTTP request """ def __init__(self, verb, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: The HTTP verb that was used (in lower-case). Ex: ``get`` self.verb = verb.lower() #: The URL requested self.url = url #: The request body self.body = body #: The request headers self.headers = headers
[docs]class HTTPFirstRequestStartEvent(HTTPRequestStartEvent): """ Published when the first request out of many is started. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPLastRequestStartEvent(HTTPRequestStartEvent): """ Published when the last request out of many is started. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPRequestEndEvent(Event): """ Published when the HTTP request has completed and the response is starting """ def __init__(self, verb, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: The HTTP verb that was used (in lower-case). Ex: ``get`` self.verb = verb.lower() #: The URL requested self.url = url #: The request body self.body = body #: The request headers self.headers = headers
[docs]class HTTPFirstRequestEndEvent(HTTPRequestEndEvent): """ Published when the first request out of many is completed. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPLastRequestEndEvent(HTTPRequestEndEvent): """ Published when the last request out of many is completed. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPResponseStartEvent(Event): """ Published when the HTTP response is starting. """ def __init__(self, url, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) #: The URL requested self.url = url
[docs]class HTTPFirstResponseStartEvent(HTTPResponseStartEvent): """ Published when the first response out of many is starting. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPLastResponseStartEvent(HTTPResponseStartEvent): """ Published when the last response out of many is starting. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPResponseEndEvent(Event): """ Published when the HTTP response has completed """ def __init__(self, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs): Event.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #: The URL requested self.url = url #: The response body (as string) self.body = body #: The response headers self.headers = headers
[docs]class HTTPFirstResponseEndEvent(HTTPResponseEndEvent): """ Published when the first response out of many has completed. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPLastResponseEndEvent(HTTPResponseEndEvent): """ Published when the last response out of many has completed. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """
[docs]class HTTPErrorEvent(Event): """ Published when an exception is raised during an HTTP operation (ex. connection error) """ def __init__(self, exception, *args, **kwargs): Event.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) #: The exception that was raised self.exception = exception
[docs]class HTTPResponseErrorEvent(HTTPResponseEndEvent, HTTPErrorEvent): """ Published when an exception was raised while processing an HTTP response. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value = 1. """ def __init__(self, url, body, headers, exception, *args, **kwargs): HTTPResponseEndEvent.__init__(self, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs) HTTPErrorEvent.__init__(self, exception)
[docs]class HTTPFirstResponseErrorEvent(HTTPFirstResponseEndEvent, HTTPErrorEvent): """ Published when the first response out of many has an error. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """ def __init__(self, url, body, headers, exception, *args, **kwargs): HTTPFirstResponseEndEvent.__init__(self, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs) HTTPErrorEvent.__init__(self, exception)
[docs]class HTTPLastResponseErrorEvent(HTTPLastResponseEndEvent, HTTPErrorEvent): """ Published when the last response out of many has an error. This is valid when a ``repeat`` parameter has a value > 1. """ def __init__(self, url, body, headers, exception, *args, **kwargs): HTTPLastResponseEndEvent.__init__(self, url, body, headers, *args, **kwargs) HTTPErrorEvent.__init__(self, exception)
############################### # Helpers ############################### def pickFirstLast(current, total, firstEvent, lastEvent, middleEvent): """ A helper function to select the correct event classification as a shorthand. - Pick `firstEvent` if current = 0 - Pick `lastEvent` if current = total - 1 - Pick `middleEvent` on any other case """ if current == total - 1: return lastEvent elif current == 0: return firstEvent else: return middleEvent class HTTPRequestState: """ This class keeps track of the request state. This includes the request information (url, headers, body), the repeat information (how many times to repeat the request and how many times we have done this already) and other information used by the HTTPChannel.handleRequest thread handler to complete the request. """ def __init__(self, channel, eventParameters, traceids): # Render config and definitions config = channel.getRenderedConfig(eventParameters) definitions = channel.getDefinitions() # If we are missing an `Authorization` header but we have a # `dcos_auth_token` definition, allocate an `Authorization` header now if not 'headers' in config: config['headers'] = {} if not 'Authorization' in config['headers'] \ and 'dcos_auth_token' in definitions: config['headers']['Authorization'] = 'token={}'.format( definitions['dcos_auth_token']) # Get base request parameters self.url = config['url'] self.body = config.get('body', '') self.verb = config.get('verb', 'GET') self.headers = config.get('headers', {}) self.traceids = traceids self.eventParameters = eventParameters = channel # Extract repeat config self.repeat = int(config.get('repeat', 1)) self.repeatAfter = config.get('repeatAfter', None) self.repeatInterval = config.get('repeatInterval', None) if not self.repeatInterval is None: self.repeatInterval = float(self.repeatInterval) # Expose 'i' parameter that should be equal to the current # run in scase of a repeatable one # State information self.activeRequest = None self.completedCounter = 0 self.lastRequestTs = 0 = True def getUrl(self): """ Dynamically compose URL, by appending some template variables (if any) """ # Compile the parameters to request parameters = {'i': self.completedCounter} parameters.update(self.eventParameters) # Render url return'url') def getBody(self): """ Dynamically compose body, by applying some template variables (if any) """ # Compile the parameters to request parameters = {'i': self.completedCounter} parameters.update(self.eventParameters) # Render body body ='body') # Apply conditionals on body if type(body) is list: for case in body: if not 'if' in case or not eval(case['if'], parameters): continue return case['value'] raise ValueError( 'Could not find a matching body case for parameters: {0!r}'.format( body)) # Render config and get body return body ############################### # Entry Point ###############################
[docs]class HTTPChannel(Channel): """ The *HTTP Channel* performs an HTTP Requests when a parameter changes. :: channels: - class: channel.HTTPChannel # The URL to send the requests at url: # The body of the HTTP request body: | { "cmd": "sleep 1200", "cpus": 0.1, "mem": 64, "disk": 0, "instances": {{instances}}, "id": "/scale-instances/{{uuid()}}", "backoffFactor": 1.0, "backoffSeconds": 0 } # [Optional] The HTTP Verb to use (Defaults to 'GET') verb: POST # [Optional] The HTTP headers to send headers: Accept: text/plain # [Optional] How many times to re-send the request (can be # a macro value) repeat: 1234 # [Optional] How long to wait between re-sends (in seconds) # If missing the next request will be sent as soon as the previous # has completed repeatInterval: 1234 # [Optional] For which event to wait before re-sending the request. repeatAfter: event When a parameter is changed, a new HTTP request is made. If a ``repeat`` parameter is specified, the same HTTP request will be sent again, that many times. Various events are published from this channel, that can be used to synchronise other components or track metrics. * When an HTTP request is initiated an ``HTTPRequestStartEvent`` is published. * When an HTTP request is completed and the response is pending, an ``HTTPFirstRequestEndEvent`` is published. * When the HTTP response is starting, an ``HTTPFirstResponseStartEvent`` is published. * When the HTTP response is completed, an ``HTTPResponseEndEvent`` is published. If you are using the ``repeat`` configuration parameter you can also use the following events: * When the first HTTP request is started, the ``HTTPFirstRequestStartEvent`` is published. * When the last HTTP request is started, the ``HTTPLastRequestStartEvent`` is published. * When the first HTTP request is completed, the ``HTTPFirstRequestEndEvent`` is published. * When the last HTTP request is completed, the ``HTTPLastRequestEndEvent`` is published. * When the first HTTP response is started, the ``HTTPFirstResponseStartEvent`` is published. * When the last HTTP response is started, the ``HTTPLastResponseStartEvent`` is published. * When the first HTTP response is completed, the ``HTTPFirstResponseEndEvent`` is published. * When the last HTTP response is completed, the ``HTTPLastResponseEndEvent`` is published. Therefore it's possble to track the progress of the entire repeat batch, aswell as the progress of an individual HTTP event. .. note:: This channel will automatically inject an ``Authorization`` header if a ``dcos_auth_token`` definition exists, so you don't have to specify it through the ``headers`` configuration. Note that a ``dcos_auth_token`` can be dynamically injected via an authentication task. """ @subscribesToHint(ParameterUpdateEvent, TeardownEvent) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.requestStates = [] self.requestStateMutex = Lock() self.session = requests.Session() # Increase pool sizes self.session.mount('https://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter( pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100)) self.session.mount('http://', requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter( pool_connections=100, pool_maxsize=100)) # Receive parameter updates and clean-up on teardown self.eventbus.subscribe(self.handleTeardown, events=(TeardownEvent, )) @publishesHint(HTTPFirstRequestEndEvent, HTTPLastRequestEndEvent, HTTPRequestEndEvent, HTTPFirstResponseStartEvent, HTTPLastResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseStartEvent, HTTPFirstRequestStartEvent, HTTPLastRequestStartEvent, HTTPRequestStartEvent, HTTPFirstResponseEndEvent, HTTPLastResponseEndEvent, HTTPResponseEndEvent) def handleRequest(self, req): if req is None or not self.logger.debug('Bailing out of {} request to {} due to termination'. format(req.verb, req.url)) return'Performing {} {} request(s) to {}'.format( req.repeat, req.verb, req.getUrl())) # Make sure to process loops in a single stack frame while # Render body renderedBody = req.getBody() reqUrl = req.getUrl() # Helper function that handles `repeatAfter` events before scheduling # a new request def handle_repeatAfter(event): self.eventbus.unsubscribe(handle_repeatAfter) self.handleRequest(req) # Helper function that handles TickEvents until the designated time # in the `repeatInterval` parameter has passed def handle_repeatInterval(event): deltaMs = event.ts - req.lastRequestTs if deltaMs >= req.repeatInterval: self.eventbus.unsubscribe(handle_repeatInterval) self.handleRequest(req) # Helper function to notify the message bus when an HTTP response starts def ack_response(request, *args, **kwargs): self.eventbus.publish( pickFirstLast(req.completedCounter, req.repeat, HTTPFirstRequestEndEvent, HTTPLastRequestEndEvent, HTTPRequestEndEvent)( req.verb, reqUrl, renderedBody, req.headers, traceid=req.traceids)) self.eventbus.publish( pickFirstLast(req.completedCounter, req.repeat, HTTPFirstResponseStartEvent, HTTPLastResponseStartEvent, HTTPResponseStartEvent)( reqUrl, traceid=req.traceids)) # Place request self.eventbus.publish( pickFirstLast(req.completedCounter, req.repeat, HTTPFirstRequestStartEvent, HTTPLastRequestStartEvent, HTTPRequestStartEvent)( req.verb, reqUrl, renderedBody, req.headers, traceid=req.traceids)) self.logger.debug('Placing a {} request to {}'.format(req.verb, reqUrl)) try: # Send request (and trap errors) req.activeRequest = self.session.request( req.verb, reqUrl, verify=False, data=renderedBody, headers=req.headers, hooks=dict(response=ack_response)) # Warn errors if (req.activeRequest.status_code < 200) or (req.activeRequest.status_code >= 300): self.logger.warn( 'HTTP {} Request to {} returned status code of {}'.format( req.verb, reqUrl, req.activeRequest.status_code)) # Process response self.eventbus.publish( pickFirstLast(req.completedCounter, req.repeat, HTTPFirstResponseEndEvent, HTTPLastResponseEndEvent, HTTPResponseEndEvent)( reqUrl, req.activeRequest.text, req.activeRequest.headers, traceid=req.traceids)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: self.logger.error('Cannot connect to {}'.format(reqUrl)) # Dispatch error self.eventbus.publish( pickFirstLast(req.completedCounter, req.repeat, HTTPFirstResponseErrorEvent, HTTPLastResponseErrorEvent, HTTPResponseErrorEvent)( reqUrl, "", {}, e, traceid=req.traceids)) # Check for repetitions req.completedCounter += 1 if req.completedCounter < req.repeat: self.logger.debug("Completed {} out of {} requests".format(req.completedCounter, req.repeat)) # Register an event listener if we have an `repeatAfter` parameter if not req.repeatAfter is None: self.eventbus.subscribe( handle_repeatAfter, events=(req.repeatAfter, )) break # Register a timeout if we have a `repeatInterval` parameter if not req.repeatInterval is None: req.lastRequestTs = time.time() self.eventbus.subscribe(handle_repeatInterval, events=(TickEvent, )) break # Otherwise let the loop continue in order to re-schedule request continue else:'Completed {} {} request(s) to {}'.format( req.repeat, req.verb, req.getUrl())) # Remoe the active reuqest when we are done with self.requestStateMutex: try: self.requestStates.remove(req) except ValueError: pass break def handleTeardown(self, event): """ Stop pending request(s) at teardown """ with self.requestStateMutex: for req in self.requestStates: = False if req.activeRequest: req.activeRequest.raw._fp.close() self.requestStates = [] def handleParameterUpdate(self, event): """ Handle a property update """ # Prepare request state and send initial request state = HTTPRequestState(self, event.parameters, event.traceids) # Keep track of the requests with self.requestStateMutex: self.requestStates.append(state) # Start request chain Thread(target=self.handleRequest, daemon=True, args=(state, )).start()