Source code for

import fcntl
import os
import select
import shlex
import signal
import threading
import time

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE

from import Event, LogLineEvent, ParameterUpdateEvent, TeardownEvent, StartEvent
from performance.driver.core.template import TemplateString, TemplateDict
from performance.driver.core.classes import Channel
from performance.driver.core.reflection import subscribesToHint, publishesHint
from performance.driver.core.utils import parseTimeExpr

[docs]class CmdlineExitEvent(Event): """ This event is published when the process launched through the cmdline channel has completed. The exit code is tracked. """ def __init__(self, exitcode, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) #: The exit code of the application launched by the command-line channel self.exitcode = exitcode
[docs]class CmdlineExitZeroEvent(CmdlineExitEvent): """ This event is published when the process exited and the exit code is zero """
[docs]class CmdlineExitNonzeroEvent(CmdlineExitEvent): """ This event is published when the process exited and the exit code is non-zero """
[docs]class CmdlineStartedEvent(Event): """ This event is published when the process has started. It contains the process ID so the observers can attach to the process and extract useful data. """ def __init__(self, pid, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = pid
[docs]class CmdlineChannel(Channel): """ The *Command-line Channel* launches an application, passes the test parameters through command-line arguments and monitors it's standard output and error. :: channels: - class: channel.CmdlineChannel # The command-line to launch. cmdline: "path/to/app --args {{macros}}" # [Optional] The standard input to send to the application stdin: | some arbitrary payload with {{macros}} in it's body. # [Optional] Environment variables to define env: variable: value other: "value with {{macros}}" # [Optional] The directory to launch this app in cwd: "{{marathon_repo_dir}}" # [Optional] The script to use for teardown teardown: stop_daemon # [Optional] If set to `yes` the app will be launched as soon # as the driver is up and running. atstart: yes # [Optional] If set to `yes` (default) the app will be re-launched # if it exits on it's own. restart: yes # [Optional] If set to `yes` the "cmdline" expression will be evalued # in a shell. shell: no # [Optional] The time between the SIGINT and the SIGKILL signal gracePeriod: 10s # [Optional] Change the `kind` of log messages emitted by this channel # instead of using the default 'stdout' / 'stderr' kind: stdout: custom_out stderr: custom_err When a parameter is changed, the channel will kill the process and re-launch it with the new command-line. For every line in standard inout or output, a ``LogLineEvent`` is emitted with the contents of the line. When the application launched through this channel exits the channel can take two actions depending on it's configuration: * If ``restart: yes`` is specitied (default), the channel will re-launch the application in oder to always keep it running. * If ``restart: no`` is specified, the channel will give up and publish a ``CmdlineExitZeroEvent`` or a ``CmdlineExitNonzeroEvent`` according to the exit code of the application. .. note:: Note that if there are no ``{{macro}}`` defined anywhere in the body of the configuration this channel will not be triggered when a parameter is updated and thus the application will never be launched. If you still want the application to be launched, use the ``atstart: yes`` parameter to instruct the channel to launch the application at start. """ @subscribesToHint(ParameterUpdateEvent, TeardownEvent, StartEvent) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.activeTask = None self.activeParameters = {} self.killing = False self.lastTraceId = None # Receive parameter updates and clean-up on teardown self.eventbus.subscribe(self.handleTeardown, events=(TeardownEvent, )) self.eventbus.subscribe(self.handleStart, events=(StartEvent, )) # Get some template self.cmdlineTpl = TemplateString(self.getConfig('cmdline')) self.stdinTpl = TemplateString(self.getConfig('stdin', '')) self.envTpl = TemplateDict(self.getConfig('env', {})) self.cwdTpl = TemplateString(self.getConfig('cwd', '')) self.graceTpl = TemplateString(self.getConfig('gracePeriod', '10s')) self.teardownTpl = TemplateString(self.getConfig('teardown', '')) # Get some options config = self.getRenderedConfig() self.kindMap = config.get('kind', {}) if not 'stdout' in self.kindMap: self.kindMap['stdout'] = 'stdout' if not 'stderr' in self.kindMap: self.kindMap['stderr'] = 'stderr' @publishesHint(LogLineEvent, CmdlineExitEvent, CmdlineExitZeroEvent, CmdlineExitNonzeroEvent) def monitor(self, sourceName, proc, stdin=None): """ Oversees the execution of the process """ lines = ['', ''] # Make read operations non-blocking flag = fcntl.fcntl(proc.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD) fcntl.fcntl(proc.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, flag | os.O_NONBLOCK) flag = fcntl.fcntl(proc.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFD) fcntl.fcntl(proc.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, flag | os.O_NONBLOCK) # Send stdin if stdin and not proc.stdin is None: proc.stdin.write(stdin) proc.stdin.close() # Wait for input in the FDs while True: if proc.poll() is None: # While process is running, use `select` to wait for an stdout/err # FD event before reading. (rlist, wlist, xlist) =[proc.stdout, proc.stderr], [], []) if proc.stdout in rlist: block = * 1024) lines[0] += block.decode('utf-8') while '\n' in lines[0]: (line, lines[0]) = lines[0].split('\n', 1) self.eventbus.publish( LogLineEvent( line, sourceName, self.kindMap['stdout'], traceid=self.lastTraceId)) if proc.stderr in rlist: block = * 1024) lines[1] += block.decode('utf-8') while '\n' in lines[1]: (line, lines[1]) = lines[1].split('\n', 1) self.eventbus.publish( LogLineEvent( line, sourceName, self.kindMap['stderr'], traceid=self.lastTraceId)) else: # Drain buffers since after the process has exited, select might not work # and some remaining bytes will remain not processed. block = if block: lines[0] += block.decode('utf-8') for line in lines[0].split('\n'): if line.strip(): self.eventbus.publish( LogLineEvent( line, sourceName, self.kindMap['stdout'], traceid=self.lastTraceId)) block = if block: lines[1] += block.decode('utf-8') for line in lines[0].split('\n'): if line.strip(): self.eventbus.publish( LogLineEvent( line, sourceName, self.kindMap['stderr'], traceid=self.lastTraceId)) # Break loop break # Mark as stopped self.activeTask = None if not self.killing: # Dispatch the correct exit message self.logger.debug('Process exited with code {}'.format(proc.returncode)) if proc.returncode == 0: self.eventbus.publish( CmdlineExitZeroEvent(proc.returncode, traceid=self.lastTraceId)) else: self.eventbus.publish( CmdlineExitNonzeroEvent(proc.returncode, traceid=self.lastTraceId)) # Restart if configured if self.getConfig('restart', True): self.logger.warn('Process exited prematurely') self.launch(self.activeParameters) else:'Process completed') def kill(self): """ Kill the currently running proc """ if not self.activeTask: return # Get grace period macroValues = self.getDefinitions() gracePeriod = parseTimeExpr(self.graceTpl.apply(macroValues)) shell = self.getConfig('shell', False) # If we have a tear-down command, launch it now teardownCmd = self.teardownTpl.apply(macroValues) if teardownCmd: env = self.envTpl.apply(macroValues) if not env: env = None cwd = self.cwdTpl.apply(macroValues) if not cwd: cwd = None # Launch teardown process'Launching tear-down command: {}'.format(teardownCmd)) proc = Popen( teardownCmd, env=env, cwd=cwd, shell=True, preexec_fn=os.setsid) # Wait for the command to exit exitcode = proc.wait()'Tear-down process completed with {}'.format(exitcode)) # Then, try interrupting the process self.killing = True proc, thread = self.activeTask try: if proc.poll() is None: self.logger.debug('Sending SIGINT') os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGINT) except ProcessLookupError: pass # Wait for a grace period timeout = time.time() + gracePeriod self.logger.debug('Waiting for app to be terminated') while proc.poll() is None and time.time() < timeout: time.sleep(1) # And try killing it try: if proc.poll() is None: self.logger.debug('Sending SIGKILL') os.killpg(os.getpgid(, signal.SIGTERM) except ProcessLookupError: pass thread.join() # Unset active task self.activeTask = None self.killing = False def launch(self, parameters): """ Launch process with the given command-line """ # Compose the arguments for the execution cwd = self.getConfig('cwd', required=False) shell = self.getConfig('shell', False) # Combine parameters with the definitions macroValues = self.getDefinitions().fork(parameters) # Compile arguments cmdline = self.cmdlineTpl.apply(macroValues) if not shell: args = shlex.split(cmdline) else: args = cmdline stdin = self.stdinTpl.apply(macroValues) env = self.envTpl.apply(macroValues) cwd = self.cwdTpl.apply(macroValues) # Reset empty arguments to `None` if not stdin: stdin = None if not cwd: cwd = None if not env: env = None # Launch self.logger.debug('Starting process: \'{}\''.format( args if type(args) is str else ' '.join(args))) self.activeParameters = parameters proc = Popen( args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, env=env, cwd=cwd, shell=shell, preexec_fn=os.setsid) # Dispatch start event self.eventbus.publish(CmdlineStartedEvent( # Launch a thread to monitor it's output thread = threading.Thread( target=self.monitor, name='cmdline-monitor', args=(args[0], proc, stdin)) thread.start() # Keep track of the active task self.activeTask = (proc, thread) def handleTeardown(self, event): """ Kill process at teardown """ if self.activeTask: self.logger.warn('Killing running process') self.kill() def handleStart(self, event): """ Handle the start event """ # If this app is instructed to launch at start, satisfy this requirement now atstart = self.getConfig('atstart', default=False) if atstart: self.handleParameterUpdate(ParameterUpdateEvent({}, {}, {})) def handleParameterUpdate(self, event): """ Handle a property update """ # If we have already a task running don't re-launch it unless # the received properties are actually updating one or more parameters # in our template if self.activeTask: # We have a parameter change, kill the process # and schedule a new execution later self.kill() # Keep track of the traceid that initiated the process. This way we can # track the events that were derrived from this parameter update. self.lastTraceId = event.traceids # Launch new process self.launch(event.parameters)