Source code for performance.driver.classes.reporter.plot

import os
import requests
from performance.driver.core.classes import Reporter

# NOTE: The following block is needed only when sphinx is parsing this file
#       in order to generate the documentation. It's not really useful for
#       the logic of the file itself.
  import matplotlib

  import numpy as np
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  import as cm
  import scipy.interpolate
except ImportError:
  import logging
  logging.error('One or more libraries required by PlotReporter were not'
                'installed. The reporter will not work.')

def norm(v, vmin, vmax, tomin=0.0, tomax=1.0, wrap=True):
  if v < vmin and wrap:
    return tomin
  if v > vmax and wrap:
    return tomax
  return ((float(v) - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)) * (tomax - tomin) + tomin

def getPlotfn(ax, xscale, yscale):
  Get the correct plot function configuration to the axis string given
  if xscale not in ('linear', 'log', 'log2', 'log10'):
    raise TypeError('Unknown `xscale` value \'{}\''.format(xscale))
  if yscale not in ('linear', 'log', 'log2', 'log10'):
    raise TypeError('Unknown `yscale` value \'{}\''.format(yscale))

  if xscale == 'linear' and yscale == 'linear':
    return (ax.plot, {})
  elif xscale != 'linear' and yscale != 'linear':
    kwargs = {}
    if xscale == 'log2':
      kwargs['basex'] = 2
    if xscale == 'log10':
      kwargs['basex'] = 10
    if yscale == 'log2':
      kwargs['basey'] = 2
    if yscale == 'log10':
      kwargs['basey'] = 10
    return (ax.loglog, kwargs)
    if xscale != 'linear':
      kwargs = {}
      if xscale == 'log2':
        kwargs['basex'] = 2
      if xscale == 'log10':
        kwargs['basex'] = 10
      return (ax.semilogx, kwargs)
      kwargs = {}
      if yscale == 'log2':
        kwargs['basey'] = 2
      if yscale == 'log10':
        kwargs['basey'] = 10
      return (ax.semilogy, kwargs)

class PlotGroup:
  def __init__(self, metric, suffix=''):
    self.suffix = suffix = metric.config.get('name', 'metric')
    self.title = metric.config.get('title',
    self.desc = metric.config.get('desc', None)
    self.units = metric.config.get('units', 'Unknown')
    self.valueSeries = {}

  def series(self, name):
    if not name in self.valueSeries:
      self.valueSeries[name] = []
    return self.valueSeries[name]

  def values(self, name=None):
    Return a numpy array for every value in the series
    if name is None:
      return dict(
          map(lambda kv: (kv[0], np.array(kv[1])), self.valueSeries.items()))
      return np.array(self.valueSeries[name])

class RawPlotGroup:
  def __init__(self, metric, suffix=''):
    self.suffix = suffix = metric.config.get('name', 'metric')
    self.title = metric.config.get('title',
    self.desc = metric.config.get('desc', None)
    self.units = metric.config.get('units', 'Unknown')
    self.x = {}
    self.y = []

  def firstAxis(self):
    if len(self.x) == 0:
      return None
    return list(self.x.keys())[0]

  def axisNames(self):
    return list(self.x.keys())

  def put(self, axisValues, binValue):
    for key, value in axisValues.items():
      if not key in self.x:
        self.x[key] = []

  def pairs(self, axisName=None):
    if axisName is None:
      return dict(map(lambda name: (name, self.pairs(name)), self.x.keys()))

      return (np.array(self.x[axisName]), np.array(self.y))

[docs]class PlotReporter(Reporter): """ The **Plot Reporter** is creating a PNG plot with the measured values and storing it in the results folder. :: reporters: - class: reporter.PlotReporter # [Optional] Default parameter value to use if not specified default: 0 # [Optional] Filename prefix and suffix (without the extension) prefix: "plot-" suffix: "" # [Optional] The X and Y axis scale (for all plots) # Can be one of: 'linear', 'log', 'log2', 'log10' xscale: linear yscale: log2 # [Optional] The colormap to use when plotting 2D plots # Valid options from: colormap: winter # [Optional] Plot the raw values as a scatter plot and not the summarised raw: False # [Optional] Reference data structure reference: # Path to raw reference JSON data: # [Optional] The colormap to use when plotting the reference 2D plots ratiocolormap: bwr # [Optional] Name of the reference data name: ref # [Optional] Headers to send along with the request headers: Authentication: "token={{token}}" This reporter will generate an image plot for every metric defined. The axis is the 1 or 2 parameters of the test. .. warning:: The ``PlotReporter`` can be used only if the total number of parameters is 1 or 2, since it's not possible to display plots with more than 3 axes. Trying to use it otherwise will result in an exception being thrown. """ def normalizeAxisValues(self, inputValues): values = {} for name, config in self.generalConfig.parameters.items(): if name in inputValues: values[name] = float(inputValues[name]) else: values[name] = float(config.get('default', 0)) return values def createPlot(self): """ Create a plot with common configuration """ # Create a plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8.5, 6)) # fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.08) # figure size, borders and padding # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.08, right=0.90, top=0.90, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.40) # fig.set_size_inches(8.5, 6) return fig, ax def createPlotWithReference(self, yratio=(2, 1)): """ Create a plot with reference axis """ # Create 2 plots, sharing X axis # fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, figsize=(8.5, 6), sharex=True) # fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.08) # figure size, borders and padding # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, bottom=0.08, right=0.90, top=0.90, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.40) # fig.set_size_inches(8.5, 6) # return fig, ax fig = plt.figure() rows = yratio[0] + yratio[1] ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((rows, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=yratio[0]) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((rows, 1), (yratio[0], 0), sharex=ax1) return fig, (ax1, ax2) def dumpPlot_sum1d(self, axisValues, plotGroup, referencePlotGroup, filename): """ Dump an 1-D plot group """ # Populate axis values p = list(self.generalConfig.parameters.values()) p1 = p[0] x1 = np.array(list(map(lambda x: float(x.get(p1['name'])), axisValues))) fig = None ax = None # ------------------------------- # 1D Plot WITHOUT Reference # ------------------------------- if referencePlotGroup is None: fig, ax = self.createPlot() # Prepare plot function according to config (plotfn, plotfn_kwargs) = getPlotfn(ax, self.getConfig('xscale', 'linear'), self.getConfig('yscale', 'linear')) for name, values in plotGroup.values().items(): v = values[:, 0] dat = plotfn(x1, v, '-', label=name, linewidth=2, **plotfn_kwargs) # Plot the error bars if we have them if not np.all(values[:, 1] == 0): ax.errorbar( x1, v, yerr=values[:, 1], mfc=dat[0].get_color(), ecolor=dat[0].get_color(), capsize=5, fmt='.') ax.set_xlabel("{} ({})".format(p1['name'], p1.get('units', 'Unknown'))) # ------------------------------- # 1D Plot WITH Reference # ------------------------------- else: fig, (ax, axRatio) = self.createPlotWithReference() # Prepare plot function according to config (plotfn, plotfn_kwargs) = getPlotfn(ax, self.getConfig('xscale', 'linear'), self.getConfig('yscale', 'linear')) (plotfn_ratio, plotfn_kwargs_ratio) = getPlotfn(axRatio, self.getConfig( 'xscale', 'linear'), 'linear') # Plot data for name, values in plotGroup.values().items(): v = values[:, 0] dat = plotfn(x1, v, '-', label=name, linewidth=2, **plotfn_kwargs) # Plot the error bars if we have them if not np.all(values[:, 1] == 0): ax.errorbar( x1, v, yerr=values[:, 1], mfc=dat[0].get_color(), ecolor=dat[0].get_color(), capsize=5) # Safely bail if something went wrong while processing the reference try: rvalues = referencePlotGroup.values(name) rv = rvalues[:, 0] ref = plotfn( x1, rv, ls='dashed', label=name + referencePlotGroup.suffix, linewidth=2, c=dat[0].get_color(), **plotfn_kwargs) # Create ratio plot ratio = v / rv rat = plotfn_ratio( x1, ratio, c=dat[0].get_color(), **plotfn_kwargs_ratio) # Calculate the ratio error bar values, if we have them if not np.all(values[:, 1] == 0): ratio_err = ratio * np.sqrt(values[:, 1]**2 / values[:, 0] + rvalues[:, 1]**2 / rvalues[:, 0]) axRatio.fill_between( x1, ratio - ratio_err, ratio + ratio_err, facecolor=rat[0].get_color(), alpha=0.5) except KeyError as e: self.logger.warning( 'Could not find summariser {} in reference data'.format(str(e))) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning('Reference data are in wrong format ' '(check your parameter count)') axRatio.set_ylim([0.25, 1.75]) axRatio.set_yticks([0.5, 1, 1.5]) axRatio.grid(b=True, color='lightgray', linestyle='dotted') axRatio.set_xlabel( "{} ({})".format(p1['name'], p1.get('units', 'Unknown'))) axRatio.set_ylabel("Value/Reference") # Show legend ax.grid(b=True, color='lightgray', linestyle='dotted') ax.set_title("{} [{}]".format(self.generalConfig.title, plotGroup.title)) ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_ylabel("{} ({})".format(, plotGroup.units)) # Dump fig.tight_layout()'Creating 1D {}'.format(filename)) plt.savefig(filename) def dumpPlot_sum2d(self, axisValues, plotGroup, referencePlotGroup, filename): """ Dump an 2-D plot group """ # Configurable variables cmap = plt.get_cmap(self.getConfig('colormap', 'winter')) # Populate axis values p = list(self.generalConfig.parameters.values()) p1 = p[0] p2 = p[1] x = np.array(list(map(lambda x: float(x.get(p1['name'])), axisValues))) y = np.array(list(map(lambda x: float(x.get(p2['name'])), axisValues))) # Set up a regular grid of interpolation points xi, yi = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 100), np.linspace( y.min(), y.max(), 100) xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) fig = None ax = None # ------------------------------- # 2D Plots WITHOUT Reference # ------------------------------- if referencePlotGroup is None: for name, values in plotGroup.values().items(): # Interpolate Z z = values[:, 0] rbf = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(x, y, z, function='linear') zi = rbf(xi, yi) # Create plot fig, ax = self.createPlot() im = ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi, cmap=cmap) ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, linewidths=1, edgecolors='black', cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label('{} ({})'.format(plotGroup.title, plotGroup.units)) # Show legend ax.grid(True) ax.set_title("{} [{}]".format(self.generalConfig.title, name)) ax.set_xlabel("{} ({})".format(p1['name'], p1.get('units', 'Unknown'))) ax.set_ylabel("{} ({})".format(p2['name'], p2.get('units', 'Unknown'))) # Dump 'Creating 2D Plot {}-{}.png'.format(filename[:-4], name)) plt.savefig('{}-{}.png'.format(filename[:-4], name)) # ------------------------------- # 2D Plots WITH Reference # ------------------------------- else: ratio_cmap = plt.get_cmap( self.getConfig('reference', {}).get('ratiocolormap', 'PuOr')) for name, values in plotGroup.values().items(): # Interpolate Z z = values[:, 0] rbf = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(x, y, z, function='linear') zi = rbf(xi, yi) # Create plot with reference fig, (ax, axRatio) = self.createPlotWithReference(yratio=(1, 1)) im = ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi, cmap=cmap) ax.scatter(x, y, c=z, linewidths=1, edgecolors='black', cmap=cmap) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label('{} ({})'.format(plotGroup.title, plotGroup.units)) try: # Interpolate Z-Ref zref = referencePlotGroup.values(name)[:, 0] zratio = z / zref rbf = scipy.interpolate.Rbf(x, y, zratio, function='linear') ziratio = rbf(xi, yi) rim = axRatio.pcolormesh( xi, yi, ziratio, cmap=ratio_cmap, vmin=0.25, vmax=1.75) axRatio.scatter( x, y, c=zratio, linewidths=1, edgecolors='black', cmap=ratio_cmap, vmin=0.25, vmax=1.75) cbar = fig.colorbar(rim, ax=axRatio) cbar.set_label('Ratio') except KeyError as e: self.logger.warning( 'Could not find summariser {} in reference data'.format(str(e))) except ValueError as e: self.logger.warning('Reference data are in wrong format ' '(check your parameter count)') # Show legends ax.grid(True) ax.set_title("{} [{}]".format(self.generalConfig.title, name)) ax.set_xlabel("{} ({})".format(p1['name'], p1.get('units', 'Unknown'))) ax.set_ylabel("{} ({})".format(p2['name'], p2.get('units', 'Unknown'))) axRatio.grid(True) axRatio.set_xlabel( "{} ({})".format(p1['name'], p1.get('units', 'Unknown'))) axRatio.set_ylabel("Value/" + name + referencePlotGroup.suffix) # Dump 'Creating 2D Plot {}-{}.png'.format(filename[:-4], name)) plt.savefig('{}-{}.png'.format(filename[:-4], name)) def dumpPlot_sum3d(self, axisValues, plotGroup, referencePlotGroup, filename): """ Dump an 3-D plot group """ raise NotImplementedError('The 3-axis plot is nt yet implemented') def plot_sum(self, config, summarizer, reference, refConfig): """ Dump summarised plots """ # Prepare plot group axisValues = [] metricPlotGroup = {} referencePlotGroup = {} if reference is None: referencePlotGroup = None # Create one plot for every observed value for metricName, metric in self.generalConfig.metrics.items(): metricPlotGroup[metricName] = PlotGroup(metric) if not referencePlotGroup is None: referencePlotGroup[metricName] = PlotGroup( metric, ' ({})'.format(refConfig.get('name', 'ref'))) # Process reference values if not referencePlotGroup is None: for testCase in reference['sum']: for metric, summarizedValues in testCase['values'].items(): for sumname, value in summarizedValues.items(): # Prettify summariser name if '_' in sumname: (pre, post) = sumname.split('_', 1) sumname = '{} ({})'.format(pre, post) # Make sure values are in (value, error) format always pair = value if type(value) not in (list, tuple): pair = [float(value), 0] referencePlotGroup[metric].series(sumname).append(pair) # Process summarizer values for testCase in summarizer.sum(): axisValues.append(self.normalizeAxisValues(testCase['parameters'])) # Process summarized values into the appropriate plot group for metric, summarizedValues in testCase['values'].items(): for sumname, value in summarizedValues.items(): # Prettify summariser name if '_' in sumname: (pre, post) = sumname.split('_', 1) sumname = '{} ({})'.format(pre, post) # Make sure values are in (value, error) format always pair = value if type(value) not in (list, tuple): pair = [float(value), 0] metricPlotGroup[metric].series(sumname).append(pair) # Dump plots using the correct function dumpFunction = [self.dumpPlot_sum1d, self.dumpPlot_sum2d, self.dumpPlot_sum3d] \ [len(self.generalConfig.parameters)-1] # Create and dump plots filePrefix = config.get('prefix', 'plot-') fileSuffix = config.get('suffix', '') for metric, plotGroup in metricPlotGroup.items(): dumpFunction(axisValues, plotGroup, None if referencePlotGroup is None else referencePlotGroup[metric], '{}{}{}.png'.format( filePrefix, metric, fileSuffix)) def dumpPlot_raw1d(self, plotGroup, referencePlotGroup, filename): """ Dump a raw 1D plot """ fig, ax = self.createPlot() axisName = plotGroup.firstAxis() if not axisName is None: # Plot data (x, y) = plotGroup.pairs(axisName) ax.scatter(x, y, # Plot reference if referencePlotGroup: (x, y) = referencePlotGroup.pairs(axisName) ax.scatter(x, y, # Lookup the parameter details for param in self.generalConfig.parameters.values(): if param['name'] == axisName: ax.set_xlabel( "{} ({})".format(param['name'], param.get('units', 'Unknown'))) # Show legend ax.grid(b=True, color='lightgray', linestyle='dotted') ax.set_title("{} [{}]".format(self.generalConfig.title, plotGroup.title)) ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_ylabel("{} ({})".format(, plotGroup.units)) # Dump fig.tight_layout()'Creating 1D {}'.format(filename)) plt.savefig(filename) def plot_raw(self, config, summarizer, reference, refConfig): """ Dump raw data points (scatter plot) """ # Prepare plot group localPlotGroup = {} referencePlotGroup = {} # Create one plot for every observed value for metricName, metric in self.generalConfig.metrics.items(): localPlotGroup[metricName] = RawPlotGroup(metric) if not reference is None: referencePlotGroup[metricName] = RawPlotGroup( metric, ' ({})'.format(refConfig.get('name', 'ref'))) # Process summarizer values for testCase in summarizer.raw(): axisValue = self.normalizeAxisValues(testCase['parameters']) # Process summarized values into the appropriate plot group for metric, rawValues in testCase['values'].items(): group = localPlotGroup[metric] for (ts, value) in rawValues: group.put(axisValue, value) # Process reference values if reference: for testCase in reference['raw']: axisValue = testCase['parameters'] for metric, rawValues in testCase['values'].items(): group = referencePlotGroup[metric] for (ts, value) in rawValues: group.put(axisValue, value) # Plot filePrefix = config.get('prefix', 'plot-') fileSuffix = config.get('suffix', '') for metric, plotGroup in localPlotGroup.items(): self.dumpPlot_raw1d(plotGroup, None if reference is None else referencePlotGroup[metric], '{}{}{}.png'.format(filePrefix, metric, fileSuffix)) def dump(self, summarizer): """ Dump a plot for every metric in the time series """ config = self.getRenderedConfig() # Validate dimentions if len(self.generalConfig.parameters) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Requested to dump a plot without having any parameters') if len(self.generalConfig.parameters) > 3: raise ValueError('Requested to dump a plot with more than 3 parameters') # Collect reference data if we have them reference = None refConfig = config.get('reference', None) if not refConfig is None: url = refConfig['url']'Fetcing reference data from {}'.format(url)) # Make the request and collect data r = requests.get(url, headers=refConfig.get('headers', {})) if r.status_code < 200 or r.status_code >= 300: self.logger.error( 'Got unexpected HTTP {} response. Disabling reference'.format( r.status_code)) else: reference = r.json() # Include metadata and re-evaluate templates of the reference config renderedConfig = self.getRenderedConfig( dict( map(lambda v: ('refmeta:{}'.format(v[0]), v[1]), reference[ 'meta'].items()))) refConfig = renderedConfig['reference'] # Create missing directory for the files os.makedirs( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(config.get('prefix', 'plot-'))), exist_ok=True) if config.get('raw', False): self.plot_raw(config, summarizer, reference, refConfig) else: self.plot_sum(config, summarizer, reference, refConfig)