Source code for performance.driver.classes.reporter.csv

import os
from performance.driver.core.classes import Reporter

class CSVColumn:
  def __init__(self, name, csvfile):
    self.csvfile = csvfile = name
    self.rows = []

  def set(self, value):
    self.rows[self.csvfile.rows - 1] = value

class CSVFile:
  def __init__(self):
    self.cols = []
    self.rows = 0

  def col(self, name):
    for col in self.cols:
      if == name:
        return col

    col = CSVColumn(name, self)

    col.rows = [''] * self.rows
    return col

  def separator(self):
    self.cols.append(CSVColumn("", self))

  def addRow(self):
    for col in self.cols:
    self.rows += 1

  def saveTo(self, file, separator=","):
    with open(file, 'w') as f:

      # Generate header
      row = ""
      for col in self.cols:
        row += + separator

      # Write data
      for i in range(0, self.rows):
        row = ""
        for col in self.cols:
          row += col.rows[i] + separator

[docs]class CSVReporter(Reporter): """ The **CSV Reporter** is creating a comma-separated value (.csv) file with the axis values and summarised metric values for every run. :: reporters: - class: reporter.CSVReporter # [Optional] The filename to write the csv file into filename: results.csv # [Optional] The column separator character to use separator: "," # [Optional] Which value to use if a parameter is missing default: 0 This reporter is writing the **summarised** results in a CSV file. The resulting file will have the following columns: ==== ==== ===== =========== =========== ===== ==== ==== ===== Parameters Summarised Metrics Flags ================= =============================== ================= p1 p2 ... m1 (sum) m2 (sum) ... f1 f2 ... ==== ==== ===== =========== =========== ===== ==== ==== ===== The first line will contain the names of the parameters, metrics and flags. .. note:: To configure which summariser(s) to use on every metric, use the ``summarize`` parameter in the :ref:`statements-config-metrics` config. """ def dump(self, summarizer): """ Dump summarizer values to the csv file """ # Generate CSV matrix csv = CSVFile() for name, config in self.generalConfig.parameters.items(): csv.col(name) # Add a blank column as separator csv.separator() # Process summarizer values for testCase in summarizer.sum(): csv.addRow() # Populate parameter column values for name, config in self.generalConfig.parameters.items(): csv.col(name).set(str( testCase['parameters'] \ .get(name, config.get('default', 0) ) )) # Process summarized values for metric, summarizedValues in testCase['values'].items(): for summarizer, value in summarizedValues.items(): if type(value) in (list, tuple): csv.col('{} ({})'.format(metric, summarizer)).set(str(value[0])) csv.col('{} ({} - error)'.format(metric, summarizer)).set( str(value[1])) else: csv.col('{} ({})'.format(metric, summarizer)).set(str(value)) # Process flags for name, value in testCase['flags'].items(): csv.col(name).set(str(value)) # Create missing directory for the files filename = config.get('filename', 'results.csv') os.makedirs(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(filename)), exist_ok=True) # Dump csv file config = self.getRenderedConfig() csv.saveTo(filename, config.get('separator', ','))